
Sanborn’s Can Help Ease Those Winter Allergies

Many residents of the Inland Empire struggle with allergies throughout the fall and winter seasons. Poor air quality inside the home can greatly increase the symptoms associated with fall and winter allergies, forcing those affected to feel uncomfortable indoors throughout half the year. Thankfully, indoor air quality solutions provide a way to alleviate the indoor allergies you and your loved ones experience, including runny or stuffy noses. Learn how these systems work, and help you and your family breathe easier indoors.

In our most recent blog, the HVAC technicians at Sanborn’s discuss tips to relieve winter allergy symptoms in your home.

Get Relief from Winter Allergies Now

No one likes dealing with allergies symptoms, but for many people, winter can be the worst time of year. If you suffer from winter allergies, you may be dreading the approaching cold season. Late summer or fall is the best time to start thinking about ways to improve your indoor air quality. Once the cold weather arrives, it will be too late to make changes and you’ll be stuck dealing with your allergy symptoms all season long. 

There are a number of things you can do to address winter allergies now before the winter weather arrives. One of the best things you can do is to install indoor air quality equipment. There are a number of different indoor air quality products on the market, so it’s important to do your research to find the one that’s right for you. Some popular options include air purifiers, humidifiers, and media air cleaners.

This equipment will help to remove allergens from the air, making it easier for you to breathe. In addition, it will also help to improve the overall quality of your indoor air. As a result, you’ll feel more comfortable and less likely to suffer from your seasonal allergies. So don’t wait – install indoor air quality equipment today and enjoy an allergy-free winter season. These simple steps can make a big difference when it comes to managing winter allergies.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions for the Season

For many people, winter is the time of year when seasonal pollen allergies kick into high gear. Symptoms like congestion, sneezing and itchy eyes can make it difficult to go outside. And while there’s no cure for allergies or a runny nose, there are some things you can do to lessen their impact. One of them is to focus on improving indoor air quality. 

Dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores are all common triggers for winter allergies. By keeping your home clean and free of dust, you can help reduce the number of allergens in the air. Additionally, using a humidifier can also be beneficial as it helps to keep airborne allergens from becoming airborne in the first place while also eliminating dry air that can make bodily symptoms feel worse. 

By taking some simple steps to improve indoor air quality, you can help lessen the allergy symptoms you experience during the winter. Here are some indoor air quality solutions that may work for you:

Whole Home Humidifiers

The Inland Empire climate can be humid during the summer months but much less so in the latter part of the year. Dry air can worsen symptoms for those who suffer from winter allergy season and indoor allergen exposure. With less moisture in the air, the body’s nasal passages and throat can dry, causing increased irritations.

A whole home humidifier adds moisture to the home’s dry air as it circulates to the heating system throughout the day. By increasing moisture in the home, the air is more soothing to mucus membranes, replenishing moisture to alleviate physical symptoms caused by dry air.

This equipment provides needed moisture throughout the home, whereas portable models can only handle humidifying smaller areas. Installed with a dedicated water line, whole home humidifiers don’t require the constant upkeep, cleaning, and refilling that portable humidifiers do, making them very convenient for use in the home.

Media Air Cleaners

When outdoor temperatures drop with the seasons, more time is spent indoors. Homeowners also work hard to help their homes retain heating energy to save money. This combination of factors can increase indoor air pollution, which worsens allergy symptoms.

Many homeowners believe their standard HVAC filters are enough to keep air pollutants under control indoors. However, this is not the primary function of the filter – it’s job is to remove particles from the air supply to keep them out of the heating and cooling units. While HVAC filters do provide some contaminant removal, they are not all created equally and most are not effective for the removal of many contaminants that aggravate allergy symptoms.

Installing a media air cleaner with a HEPA filter to your HVAC system provides the home with advanced filtration. These units are highly efficient, removing up to 99.98 percent of airborne particulates. Eliminate or reduce pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and other pollutants that trigger common allergy symptoms.

Ultraviolet Light Air Purifiers

UV light air purifiers are a great tool for homeowners who want to improve indoor air quality and safeguard the health of their loved ones. These air purifiers are installed within the HVAC system to treat circulating air. Ultraviolet energy neutralizes common indoor allergens like mold, preventing spores from reproducing and spreading in the home. Bacteria and viruses are also killed, which helps control the spread of winter illnesses.

Alleviate Your Winter Allergies with Sanborn’s

Sanborn’s Air Conditioning & Heating offers several indoor air quality solutions to treat the specific air pollution problems that worsen your fall and winter allergies. Request a consultation with our team today to discuss your needs, and we’ll recommend the right equipment for your home. Our skilled installation team puts your new indoor air quality equipment into service, so you can begin to experience relief from seasonal allergies right away.